Owners JD & Crystal McKenzie have dreamed of a better way to give back to their community. In the spring of 2020 Crystal became intrigued by online auctions. Initially she was only buying items from these auctions but then she purchased her first pallet…and the rest is history.
JD & Crystal both have full time careers outside of The Barnyard. They have decided to create this business so they can give back to their community and to also teach their children how to build a business from the ground up.
JD is a Principal at Notre Dame High School in Portsmouth, OH. JD taught History at NDHS for 13 years before becoming the principal in 2019. In addition to his Principal duties, he is also the Notre Dame Titans Varsity Girls Basketball Head Coach where he has led the Lady Titans successfully for the last 12 seasons. In JD’s spare time he enjoys raising cattle for freezer beef, and Boxer puppies for Boxer lovers across the United States!
Crystal is the Director of Human Resources at her family’s hardwood lumber/flooring company, Graf Brothers Flooring, Inc. in South Shore, KY. She is an Assistant Coach on the Notre Dame Titans Varsity Girls Basketball team, also known as the “Team Mom” and the “Get Back Coach,” for JD of course! Crystal also enjoys the cattle but enjoys raising the Boxer puppies more.
The Barnyard Goal
The goal of The Barnyard is to teach our children the benefits of hard work. We strive to always be Citizens of high character and more importantly we have a deep passion for giving back. We want to be clear that The Barnyard will be a for-profit company, but we plan to give back to the community as much as possible.
What is The Barnyard?
The Barnyard is discount store. We purchase liquidated pallets from all your favorite retailers. We then breakdown those pallets and sell the items separately. The items for sale will include mis-ships, returns, box damage and overstock/shelf pull. Items will be sold by various means including Highest Offer, Buy it Now, or Make an Offer.